The Blessed Virgin According to the Gospels - by Fr. Marin de Boylesve



Readings and Stories for Each Day

of the Month of Mary


“ Behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. Because He that is mighty, hath done great things to me.” ~ (Luke 1: 48-49)

“I am the mother of fair love, and of fear, and of knowledge, and of holy hope. In me is all grace of the way and of the truth, in me is all hope of life and of virtue. … My memory is unto everlasting generations. … He that hearkeneth to me, shall not be confounded: and they that work by me, shall not sin. They that explain me shall have life everlasting.” ~ (Eccles. 24: 24-25, 28-31)

Answering this holy call in the Bible to explain the greatness of the Mother of God, Fr. Marin de Boylesve, S.J. (1813-1892) provided a beautiful set of thirty-one meditations on the life of the Blessed Virgin as presented in the Gospels for May, the Month of Mary, which also aptly serves for the other months dedicated to her or contain her feasts, such as March for the Annunciation, August in honour of the Assumption, October, month of the Holy Rosary, and December, month of the Immaculate Conception and the Birth of Christ. This set of meditations is also perfect spiritual reading for any time of the year.

The first English translation from the original French, this new edition also features a biography of the author, information on the Holy Rosary and the Brown Scapular, the original secrets of La Salette sent to Pius IX, additional devotions to the Blessed Virgin, and also 37 illustrations. A classic for your spiritual reading library.

About the Author: Fr. Marin de Boylesve is best remembered in France for spreading devotion to the Sacred Heart with his writings thereby promoting the cause for the construction of the Sacre Coeur Basilica in Paris.

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About this Book:


8.5"  x  5.5"

Batalha Publishers

254 pages.

ISBN: 978-989-53726-0-7


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The Blessed Virgin According to the Gospels

 About the book - Table of Contents: 


  1. Mary in the Divine Plan ……………… 29

The Angels and Mary …………… 31

  1. She Shall Crush Thy Head …………… 33

The Parents of Mary …………… 36

  1. The Immaculate Conception ……… 39

        The Relatives of Mary ……… 41

  1. Her Nativity……………………………… 43

The Apostles and Mary ……… 44

  1. Noblesse Oblige ……………………… 45

The Apostles and Mary (Cont.) 47

6. The Presentation …………………………… 48

The Evangelists and Mary …… 51

  1. Her Life in the Temple …………………… 52

The Holy Fathers and Mary …… 54

  1. The Sigh of the Virgin …………………… 57

The Holy Fathers

and Mary (Cont.) ………… 59

  1. The Annunciation ………………………… 60

The Holy Fathers

and Mary (Cont.) ………… 62

  1. The Fiat of Mary ………………………… 63

The Holy Fathers

and Mary (Cont.) ……… 65

  1. The Ave Maria …………………………… 66

The Holy Fathers

and Mary (Cont.) ……… 68

  1. The Visitation …………………………… 69

The Bishop-Saints and Mary … 71

  1. The Magnificat …………………………… 72

The Bishop-Saints and Mary (Cont.) 77

  1. The Magnificat (Continued) …………… 78

The Founders of Orders

and Mary …………………… 80

  1. Nazareth and Bethlehem ………………… 81

The Founders of Orders

and Mary (Cont.) ………… 83

  1. The Purification …………………………… 84

The Founders of Orders

and Mary (Cont.) ………… 88

  1. The First Sorrow – The Sword ……… 90

The Founders of Orders

and Mary (Cont.) ………… 93

  1. The Second Sorrow

The Flight into Egypt …………… 95

The Religious Saints and Mary 97

  1. The Third Sorrow -

The Loss (of the Child Jesus) …… 98

The Religious Saints

and Mary (Cont.) …………… 100

20. The Fourth Sorrow -The Meeting 101

The Religious Saints

and Mary (Cont.) …………… 104

  1. The Fifth Sorrow – The Cross ………… 105

The Three Patrons of Youth ……… 110

    22. The Sixth Sorrow –

The Descent from the Cross ……… 111

The Saint-Kings and Mary … 113

  1. The Seventh Sorrow – The Sepulchre 115


and Mary (Cont.) …………… 117

    24. The Passion ……………………………… 118

The Saints and Mary ……………… 120

  1. Her Universal Motherhood ………… 121

The Saints and Mary (Cont.) ……… 123

26. Her Death ………………………………… 124

The Saints and Mary (Cont.) …… 127

  1. The Funeral Solemnities …………… 129

The Saints and Mary (Cont.) …… 130

28. The Assumption ……………………… 131

Our Lady of La Salette -

The Apparition …………… 136

29. Her Universal Royalty ……………… 139

Our Lady of La Salette -

The Warning ……………… 140

30. The Secret of Her Grandeur ……… 143

Our Lady of Lourdes - …………… 146

  • First Apparition

of Mary to Bernadette …… 146

      • The Chapel, The Spring ……… 148

      • Apparition of March 25, 1858 … 149

      • The Last Apparition - July 16 … 149

      • The Canonical Judgement …… 151

31. Homage and Consecration ………… 153

Mary and the Revolution ……… 155



    ~ Mary and the Church ………………… 156

    ~ France to Mary ………………………… 158

    ~ Our Lady of La Salette ……………… 161



* Devotion of the Seven Temporal Joys

and the Seven Celestial Joys

of Our Lady ……………… 165

* The Brown Scapular of

Our Lady of Mount Carmel …… 177

    • A Brief History of the Carmelites … 177

    • St. Simon Stock and

the Revelation of the Scapular …… 178

    • The Addition

of the Sabbatine Privilege … 179

    • Questions and Answers

about the Brown Scapular … 180

    • The Investiture Ceremony

(In Latin and English) ……… 188

* The Holy Rosary ……………… 192

    • What the Rosary Is: ………………… 192

- The Prayers of the Rosary ………… 192

    • Origin of the Rosary ………………… 194

    • The 15 Promises of the Rosary

Revealed by Our Lady to

St. Dominic and

Bl. Alan de la Roche … 197

    • The Benefits of the Rosary

According to

Bl. Alan de la Roche … 199

    • The Results of the Rosary

According to St. Louis de Montfort … 200

    • The Archconfraternity of the Rosary … 201

      • The Obligations ………………………… 202

      • The Benefits of being a Member … 203

      • The Indulgences ……………………… 204

      • The Archconfraternity Prayer …… 205

    • The Rosary Blessing

Including the Official Blessing …… 207

    • Blessing of Rosaries-Longer Form … 208

    • Blessing of Rosaries-Short Form … 209

    • How to Pray the Rosary ………………… 209

      • The Beads and Prayers …………… 211

      • The Mysteries ………………………… 214

* The Three Hail Marys Devotion … 217

* O Gloriosa Domina ………………… 223

* The Complete Message

of Our Lady of La Salette …… 228

* The Original Secrets of La Salette

Sent to Bl. Pius IX in 1851 …… 234

* Devotion of the Seven Sorrows … 241

* The Salutation to Mary

by St. John Eudes ……… 244

Illustration Credits …………………………… 247



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