The Sacred Heart of Jesus - Fr. Marin de Boylesve




“Behold the Heart that has so loved men that it has spared nothing, even to exhausting and consuming Itself, in order to testify to Its love, and in return, I receive from the greater part only ingratitude, by their irreverence and sacrilege, and by the coldness and contempt they have for Me in this Sacrament of Love.”

These are the words of Christ to St. Margaret Mary to whom He entrusted the mission to spread devotion to His Sacred Heart in order to repair for the ingratitude, sacrileges, blasphemies and the indifference committed against It in the Blessed Sacrament.   In return, He promised great graces to those who respond to His plea for love and reparation.

Yet, we cannot come to love what we do not know or understand.

To encourage devotion to the Heart of Jesus, Fr. Marin de Boylesve, S.J. (1813-1892) provides short reflections based on the Scriptures showing how everything God planned came from His Love: that this most Loving Heart is present throughout the Gospels, how the actions of the Blessed Trinity are completely connected with the Heart of Christ, and that the most perfect prayer, the Our Father, springs from the font of the Sacred Heart. Fr. de Boylesve also explains how the Sacraments of the Church come forth from this Furnace of Love, and how the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit are united with the Sacred Heart. 


If you desire to understand and increase your love for the Heart of Jesus, this book is a must-have for your spiritual library.  Included are a biography of the author, additional prayers and sixteen illustrations.

About the author: Fr. Marin de Boylesve is best remembered in France for spreading devotion to the Sacred Heart with his writings thereby promoting the cause for the construction of the Sacre Coeur Basilica in Paris. 



March 1, 2022


 Book details:

Paperback. 132 pages.

Batalha Publishers 

Size: 5" x 8"

ISBN: 978-989-33-2807-1



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The Sacred Heart of Jesus


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 More about the book:



About this Edition … 9

About the Author Fr. Marin de Boylesve … 10

The Heart of Jesus in the Gospel

The Word Made Flesh … 25

The Nativity … … … 26

The Circumcision … … 27

The Presentation … … 27

His Hidden Life … … 29

His Public Life … … 29

The Passion … … 30

The Cross … … 30

The Lance … … 32

Devotion to the Sacred Heart … 33

The Image of the Sacred Heart … 33

The Heart of Jesus and the Trinity … 35

I. The Heart of Jesus and the Father

Our Father Who Art in Heaven … 37

Hallowed be Thy Name … … 39

Thy Kingdom Come … … 40

Thy Will be Done … … … 41

The Fiat of the Creation … … 42

The Fiat of the Incarnation … 43

The Fiat of the Redemption … 44

Our Daily Bread … … 45

Forgiveness … … … 46

Temptation … … … … 47

Deliverance from Evil … 48

II. The Heart of Jesus and the Word

The Gospel and the Church … 51

Baptism … … 52

Confirmation … … 53

The Eucharist … … … 53

Sacrament of Penance … 55

Extreme Unction … 56

Holy Orders … 57

Marriage … … 58

III. The Heart of Jesus and the Holy Spirit

The Gift of the Fear of God … 60

The Gift of Piety … … … 64

The Gift of Knowledge … 65

The Gift of Fortitude … … 68

The Gift of Counsel … … … 70

The Gift of Understanding … 72

The Gift of Wisdom … 75

Consecration of France

to the Sacred Heart of Jesus … 79


Devotion to the Sacred Heart

and the Nine First Fridays … 84

The Twelve Promises of the Sacred Heart … 86

Enthronement of the Sacred Heart

in the Home … … 89

Act of Consecration of the Human Race

to the Sacred Heart … … 95

Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus … 103

Act of Reparation to the

Sacred Heart of Jesus … 107

Indulgenced Prayers to the Sacred Heart

Prayer for the Reign

of the Sacred Heart … 111


Prayer for Knowledge

of the Sacred Heart … 111


Acts of Love and Praise … … 113

Act of Humility … … 115

Acts of Faith, Trust and Hope … 115

Prayer for Mercy … … 116

Mercy for Sinners … 116

Prayer for Purity … 117

Act of Thanksgiving … 117

Prayers for the Pope and the Church … 117

Sacrificial Prayer to be Said by Religious … 118

Prayer for in Times of Need … … 119

Consecration of Reparation Prayer … 119

Another Offering of Reparation … … 121

A Daily Oblation Offering to the

Sacred and Immaculate Hearts … 121

Prayers to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus … 122

Eucharistic Heart Prayers for Priests … 125

Illustration credits … … 128



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