Contact / Follow Me

  •  Thanks for visiting my site!

    Announcement: When ordering my books on Amazon:  Please do not be discouraged by "Temporarily Out of Stock" or "Out of Stock" listings of my books on Amazon, ALL my books are in print and available.  If Amazon says "Order now and we'll deliver when it's available" - I assure you, it's available.  Go ahead and place your order!  
    (Amazon KNOWS independent authors' books are available, but they still put up 'Out of stock' or 'temporarily unavailable' listings on our books, and it's wrecking sales because people think they can't get our books!  Why?  Some of us authors are guessing that Amazon is trying to force us into their own publishing company because they never list their own books as 'Out of Stock'.  Sneaky tactics.)
     Or, just try a different bookstore, I've included some other trusted online store links on my book pages.  Everything can also be ordered from your local brick and mortar bookstore too!

    Contact me: just leave a comment in the box at the end of the page below- 


       I appreciate all the fans who enjoy my work and my blogs (aww, thanks guys!),  and would like to ask me a question, etc, but please, please, pretty pretty pretty please, send an honest-to-goodness message or question if you wish to leave a comment.  I hate spam trying to sell me counterfeit crud or cat phish me, or, spam my page with advertisements for dodgy websites.  This comment box is NOT FOR ADVERTISEMENTS!  Spam like this will be deleted. Also, I find it suspicious when people comment then want all my personal info and bio and want to know 'more about my life'-- considering the wild west nature of the internet crawling with stalkers and trolls, on top of a troll's death threat I've received, do not be surprised if I don't provide such info. There is a reason people keep their public biography pages sparse on the internet!
       If you have a question about something on one of my blogs or about my books, etc., I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible. 
    However, I can't get into lengthy philosophical discussions, please understand; whatever I have to say is basically already up on my blogs, and like many people, my time is limited, especially as I now have opened a business apart from my writing.
      Try and find your answers there on my blogs:
    *) If it is a question or anything about Marie-Julie Jahenny and her prophecies, etc: please check the Q and A page by clicking here, it might be answered already, if not, you can leave your question there.


  •  If it is a question or comment about the Great Catholic and Angelic Monarch prophecies, check the Q and A page for that, click here:

    Due to the amount of Spam and scammers that are abusing the Facebook Messenger app as their 'private Facebook page' and cluttering my inbox  with useless junk and chain messages, virus links, etc,  I've started ignoring Messenger.   If you send me a message there I may not see it or answer it.  If that happens, please do not take it personally--I just don't go through Messenger.   
    And no, I do not do Facechat, WhatsApp, or Skype I'd never get any work done!  I'm an easily distracted goofball as it is. You KNOW writers suffer from 'Procrastination Syndrome' as it is!
     Thank you for your understanding!
    Note:  Comments get cleared every so often to declutter the page.

    Where to find and FOLLOW ME - various pages, plus some of my other blogs:

      * Follow me on Goodreads. A free social media site dedicated to readers and reading.
     Read my bio, plus you can also download my free books and preview chapters from their Goodreads pages too! This place is bookish fun, quotes, reading challenges, trivia games, you name it.  
    * Amazon - Author Pages - easily find a list of my books for sale at one place in Amazon both in Hardback and / or Paperback.    *   My Amazon USA page, click here. *  My Amazon UK page, click here.  *  My Amazon Canada Page, click here.

    *Facebook (My Personal Page), I've left it public so people can follow me there - I tend to post more here than my author page.

    * Twitter.  - Tweet tweet! I do follow back!  Even the bots, duh, I know, they just 'unfollow' me later.  It just seems polite to hit the 'follow' button.   (But I don't follow-back porn site promoters and the like, or if your account just looks too 'troll and stalker creepy' for me, you try to 'hook' up with me, you ain't gonna be followed!)

    * Linkedin Profile. --because they keep saying I need a page here too.  Gosh, how many sites do I need to try and manage?  LOL!

    * "Books, Babble and Blarney" ~ My 'Other' Blog  Any topic that strikes my fancy be it silly or ponderous gets sporadically posted here for your reading pleasure, from book and movie reviews, philosophical and theological ramblings, weird funny stuff I find and other sundry bits and pieces.  Plus, I tend to make announcements here on a rare occasion.  Enjoy!

    * My YouTube  Channel - Videos of various things I'm interested in and also think would be fun to make.     Okay, I know I've let this gather dust for a long time - I had issues with my other computers unable to handle video editing - until now! Finally!  So, I'm dusting off my YouTube channel and giving it another go.  Please subscribe and hit the notification bell so you never miss a new video!

    NEW!  (Started Feb, 2024)   *) My Photos on ClickASnap:  photographs of Fatima and Portugal!  Click on photos for better viewing and photo information.  Also, click on "Albums" to see what these photos are about and where they are grouped!    I've just started this, so please visit, I'll be adding to this.

    * Marie-Julie Jahenny: Prophecies for Our Times ~ my blog on the mystic and stigmatist Marie-Julie Jahenny featuring her many prophecies.

    * The Great Catholic Monarch and Angelic Pontiff Prophecies ~ my blog featuring a Timeline of chastisement events based on the Great Monarch and Angelic Pontiff prophecies, also the Three Days of Darkness and the Age of Peace of prophecies-- a site made with the attempt to highlight the real prophecies while weeding the unreliable ones and outright fakes. 


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